Sunday, September 2, 2012

Pulled Chicken/ Pulled Pork

Category: Main Dish
From the Kitchen of: Carol

Pulled Chicken

3/4 Chicken Broth
3-4 Chicken Breast
Fat Boy BBQ Sauce

1. Preheat oven to 375*
2. Soak chicken breast in chicken broth until chicken is done cooking. 
3. Let chicken set and cool until you can shred it with a fork.  
4. Add “Fat Boy BBQ Sauce”

Pulled Pork

Lean Roast
Garlic Salt
Fat Boy BBQ Sauce

1. Preheat oven to 375*
2. Rub garlic salt all over the roast and soak roast in water until it is done cooking. 
3. Let roast set and cool until you can shred it with a fork.  
4. Add “Fat Boy BBQ Sauce”

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