Thursday, March 1, 2012


So the combination of me being addicted to Pinterest, having the teacher mind set, and not having my own kids yet I had to find somewhere I could be constructive. Why not use all this knowledge on the kids I nanny? As I mentioned in the last blog I am very much so big on labeling everything!!!! This really helps the kids learn to read and helps keeps things organized.

Here are pictures of my SUPER NIFTY labels :-)

Steps to Creating really cute and durable labels :-)

Step One: I used a business card template and used to find really cute pictures. 

Step Two: Print them out! and Cut them out!

(This is similar to mine)
Step Three: Glue images on to card stock or pretty scrapbook paper... (depending on how durable you want them)

(Samantha got pink and George got blue)

Step Four: Either laminate the labels or use clear packing tape 

(I am very impatient when I am sick and when I am in the groove of making something so I just used packing tape)

Step Five: You have several different options on for this step...
         Option One: Velcro
         Option Two: String and a Whole Puncher (this is my pick especially since it is not my furniture)
         Option Three: Tape

Final Product:

George's Room
Samantha's Room

Close up of Samantha's Room

The kids dad told me the next day they were so excited about the tags later that night. Dad thought it was a good ideas also especially since George is starting to read :-)

<3 Nik

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