Friday, March 2, 2012

Just an Ordinary Can?

So I am always looking for ideas to with the kids I nanny for in which we will refer to them as George and Samantha. Their dad just got a new house and he gave me permission to decorate the playroom and buy any supplies we need. Did I mention I love decorating and I especially love it when I can do it for cheap? I have been working on organizing all of there art supplies. Needed something for the pencils ....

I know just get a pencil box right? Yeah sorry that is boring!!!! So here is my solution....

1 tin can (I used one of moms coffee cans)
Paint or Pretty Paper
Mod Podge and Paint Brush (if using paper)

Step One: Peel the paper off the can and wash
Step Two: Make sure you sand the sharp area down if there are any. (that's why I used the coffee can)
Step Three: If your having the kids help it will be easier for them paint. Have the kids put a base coat on of what ever color they want. Then, let dry. You might need more than one coat. If using paper cut paper to fit the height of the can. Apply Mod Podge all over the outside of the can and wrap paper around it. I then applied Mod Podge all over the top of the paper.
Step Four: (Optional) I am real big on putting labels on everything. What can I say I use to be a preschool teacher. So I made an awesome label and mod podged it on.
Step Five: Once dry they can decorate it with foam stickers, glitter, more paint.

Final Product (I forgot to take pictures as I went through the process promise if I make another one soon will try and remember to do so.)

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