Friday, March 23, 2012

Coupon Organization

So I am a huge planner... For example I have planned George and Samantha's entire summer break from field trips, cooking, science and art activities. All I need is for their mom to let me know what day their sporting activities are on and when.

Living at home my mom mostly takes care of the coupons and grocery shopping. I figured since I will be moving out soon I need to get a coupon system set up. I hate using those expanding file folder things bc they never stay open. So I found an empty box laying around the basement and decided to make little folders to fit in it.... Here is the outcome.

I made a folder for all the different categories plus:
*Air Fresheners & Candles
*Baby (even though I don't have one yet but it would have messed up the tabs if I didn't make it now and 2 years from now I needed it. Told you I am a huge planner).
*Candy & Gum
*Canned Foods
*Cereal - General Mills
*Cereal - Kashi
*Cereal - Kelloggs
*Health Foods
*Hygiene - Dental
*Hygiene - Other
*Jelly / Peanut Butter
*Medicine / Rx
*Office Supplies
*Paper Products {T.P., etc.}
*Salad Dressing
Additional categories I made for specific stores:
*Bed Bath & Beyond
*Craft Stores
Other categories:
Restaurants -- Gift Cards

I also made folders for different memberships so we can set the money aside ahead of time. This way when the membership fee is due we wont be searching for the money.
Sam's Membership
Moose Membership

<3 Nik

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