Saturday, August 17, 2013

Strawberry Crumb Pie

Again yet another birthday this month. My mom LOVES pie and would rather have any kind of pie I could think of for her birthday. So I decided to make a Strawberry Pie (yuuummmyyyy).


Ok so this crust  was a little bit of an adventure do to the fact I do not own a food processor.... I have a magic bullet (not big enough to hold all the ingredients and when you leave it on for more than 10 sec at time it gets to hot)  and a blender lets just say USE UR HANDS!!!
All the dishes I made (minus strainer) because I tried to follow the directions in the recipe.... and this was just for the crust. I tried the magic bullet first had crossed my finger everything would fit in. Everything did fit in but did't really have enough room to mix. So then I was like will the blender work? It did work but It would have taken me probably an hour to get it all mixed up. So I decided to just use my hands and had it mixed in like 5 seconds it seemed like lol. 
Now it told me to make it into a disk and wrap in plastic wrap then put in fridge for an hr then roll it out and put it in for 20 more minutes.... Ya I said uhhhh no. I flattened it out in the pan using my hands and then plastic wrap on top and fridge. 

1/2 cup (4oz) cold unsalted butter
3 oz cold cream cheese
1 1/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour
         (I did 3/4 cups all purpose and 1/2 cup wheat flour "we have been trying to use it up and we don't          like it by it's self")
pinch of salt

1) Add butter and cream cheese to a food processor and process until smooth.
2) Add the flour and salt and process again until the dough comes together and forms a ball. (Just use your hands much faster, easier and less dishes)
3) Scrap out the dough, form it into a disk and wrap in saran wrap. Place the disk in the fridge for at least an hour. 

Pre-bake the dough
1) Preheat oven 350* put rack on middle shelf.
2) Lightly flour a flat surface and roll out the dough to 1/8 inch thick and fit into a 9" springform pan having the crust go to the sides. I don't own a pan like this and like I mentioned above I did this using my hands before putting in refrigerator. Return the crust to the fridge for 20 minutes. Trim off the excess dough to level off the crust. on the inside of the pan. 
3)Line the crust with foil and fill with pie weights or dried beans (I just lined with the foil) and bake for 18-20 minutes until crust is lighly golden brown. 
4)Remove the beans and foil and let cool. 

Crumb Topping

This was super easy but I added some ingredients like cinnamon and brown sugar. I really don't know how much I added I just did a little bit and guess-ta-mated lol. 

3/4 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour
1/4 cup wheat flour
(it actually called for 1/2 cup all purpose)
1/3 cup granulated sugar
4 tbsp unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled

1) In a medium bowl, stir together all dry ingredients.
2) Add the melted butter and stir until combined and moistened. (I used my hands)
3) Refrigerate the topping until chilled. 

This was simple but instead of hulling the strawberries I cut the tops off and cut them in 1/2 or 1/4. 

6 cups (2lbs) hulled, quartered strawberries
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 tsp lemon juice
2 1/2 tbsp cornstarch
1/4 tsp grated orange zest (I didn't do this and made it optional)

1) Combine all filling ingredients in a large bowl and toss to combine.
2) Add strawberry filling to the crust and sprinkle with crumb topping over the strawberries. 
3) Bake in the middle of the oven for 50-55 minutes, until filling is bubbling and crumb is golden brown. 

I will not know until tomorrow how it taste but I promise I will come back and let you know how it ranks in our household lol. 

*Sorry it took me a little longer to let you guys know how the pie went over. I was sick this past week.
The crust on the bottom was actually really good but, the crust on the sides was a little burnt. As for the pie my mom loved it and I found it to be to sweet (but I don't really have a big sweet tooth it takes me a month - two months to eat a bag of oreo's). 

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