Saturday, August 3, 2013

Keeping The Romance ~ During Stressful Times

Ok so I am absolutely obsessed with the website called The Dating Divas. Even this particular blog is talking about stressful times I still do these during non stressful times. I feel during the stressful times its even more important to show your special someone that little reminder you still love them. One of the biggest stressful times me and my fiance have crossed so far is planning our wedding. I do wish I could have done little things like this more during this time period but, I have had a chance to do something a few times.

Last night my amazing fiance took me out on a date. We normally try to do this once a month but again due to wedding stuff we haven't been able to do date night each month which is yet another reason to do little gestures reminding each other how much we love each other. Last night we went to BW3'S and the movies to see Grown Ups 2 (by the way this movie was hilarious). Even though we didn't go anywhere fancy we still dressed up nice and treated it like we were.

Today I decided to make homemade chocolate chip cookies for Adam. First I printed a cute printout from the The Dating Divas website.

After filling in the blanks I then made his favorite cookies chocolate chip. But instead of getting the pre-made cookie dough I made them homemade. I think this gives it that extra little love into it. 

Since, Adam was out fishing with his dad and brother Josh I had to keep the cookies fresh instead of making a pretty display like I wanted to. I'm sure when he gets home I will get bunches of kisses and hugs since he isn't expecting them (lol I told them I would make him some 2 weeks ago). 

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