Friday, September 13, 2013

Apple Cheesecake Bars

My friend Amanda is having a Pinterest party this weekend and I chose to make this yummy dessert for my food item. Heads up this is not a healthy snack because of all the butter...
    For the Crust
      12 Graham Cracker Sheets
      50 Nilla Wafer Cookies (I got the mini so I used 70) 
      1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
      12 tablespoons butter, melted
        1. Line a 9x13” pan with foil and spray with cooking spray. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
        2. Pulse graham crackers and Nilla Wafer cookies in a food processor until they are fine crumbs. I have the smallest food processor ever so this took a little time but if you have a regular sized food processor it will take you know time at all. Place in a bowl and stir in cinnamon and melted butter. Press into prepared pan. 
        3. Bake for 8 minutes, while preparing filling.
      1. My Small Food Processor... See what I mean by this took me awhile bc of the size?

        So after getting all of this done I dumped it in the bowl mixed up with my hands some since I couldn't process them all together. Then I added the cinnamon and again mixed with my hands. So much easier a lot of times when you use your hands and LESS dishes :-)

        After adding the a but load of butter I mixed with the rubber spatula.

        After I spread the crust I put it in the oven for 8 minutes.

        For the Filling:
          2 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, room temperature
          2 eggs
          1/2 cup sour cream
          1/2 cup sugar, plus 2 tablespoons, divided
          1 teaspoon vanilla
          2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and finely chopped
          1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
              1. Beat cream cheese, eggs, sour cream, sugar, and vanilla with a hand held or stand mixer. 
              2. Place apples in a small bowl and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons sugar and cinnamon.
              After placing all the filling ingredients in the mixer bowl I let the mixer do its job. 

              Side note here is the pie crust after baking for 8 minutes... 

              After mixing the cheesecake part of the filling 

              Apples and cinnamon... umm yeah most likely I probably could have cut the apples up a little bit more but hey they are small enough for me lol.

                  For the Topping:
                  1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
                  1 cup flour
                  1/2 cup quick cooking oats
                  1/2 cup butter, softened
                  1. Make the topping by mixing all topping ingredients in a medium bowl with a hand mixer.
                  Ok so I stepped away from the mixer for a second to answer the phone... The topping got a little pastey like texture instead of crumbs... So I recommend mixing with your hands (I should really learn not to follow recipes when it comes to mixing things like this lol) 

                  Left: Without Apples Right: With Apples

                  1. Pour cream cheese mixture over hot crust. Sprinkle with apples. Sprinkle evenly with topping. Bake for 40-45 minutes (mine took 43). 

                  So since the topping didn't turn out the right texture I still put it on bc it taste good but then poured some oats and brown sugar on top. 

                  Side view ofter baking in the oven. 

                  Cool to room temperature and then chill for at least 3 hours before cutting.

              Carpet Cleaning

              Ok so I had/have these really dark spots in my carpet in the high traffic areas... They have drove me crazy since the day we moved in. We have used the carpet cleaner and they wouldn't leave. We even tried using expensive carpet cleaning solutions. I kept reading on different blogs on pinterest about using vinegar and water.

              I forgot to take pictures of the first area of spots but after the magic potion worked its miracle I remembered to take pictures of the second area.

              I am going to borrow a carpet cleaner and put in the carpet cleaner and do the entire carpet area after seeing this miracle!

              What you will need:
              1 part Vinegar
              2 parts Water
              Spray Bottle

              I did not have a spray bottle at this time so I just used a solo cup. After this I am going to be investing in a lot of spray bottles and trying different DIY cleaners to try and save my family money.
              I just dumped a little bit on each spot and ran the iron over the spot a few times. If the spot is really dark or deep in the carpet you might have to do it a few times. In the picture below you can tell the spots I missed with the solution.

              Before Picture: So you can see the spots that I needed to get rid of
              Here is the after picture. You can see the spots I missed with the magic solution. 
              I want to do my entire carpet area!!!! 

              Buckeye Pie

              So my two of our friends are having a house warming party on Saturday and I was going to make my homemade Mac & Cheese that my fiance requested.... But I forgot Amanda (our friend) was making Mac & Cheese. When I asked Adam what to make he couldn't think of anything so I asked his brother Eric and he told me to make one of my famous pies. He then came up with the idea of making a Buckeye Pie... I looked it up on Pinterest and here is the cooking adventure I had in making it....

              9oz Peanut Butter
              1/4 tsp Vanilla
              1/4 cup Butter
              1 3/4 Powdered Sugar
              Instant Chocolate Pudding 
              Milk (whatever pudding box calls for)
              Cool Whip 
              Graham Cracker Pie Crust (pre-made or make your own)

              I started with following the exact directions from the pudding box. It called for the big box but we had a lot left over. Next time I am going to try the small box
              get the milk bowling

              the different stages of the pudding being made.

              So we did not have enough powder sugar and I was way to lazy to run to Jungle Jim's and get more. I tasted it and so did my fiance and we both said it still tasted good. This is suppose to be crumbly not pasty. Eric said it was a little to much peanut butter but Amanda loved it. So I feel most likely the powder sugar you can really do to taste. The crusted started breaking while I spread the pb mixture so Adam had to help hold it still. 

              The pudding was filled to the top. I then let the pie cool over night. The next day I put the cool whip on top (I forgot to take pictures since it was morning time lol) 

              Let's just say there was none left at the end of the night!!!!