Sunday, January 11, 2015

Origami Owl In Canada!

Origami Owl® is Coming to Canada
February 3rd 2015  

With Origami Owl® you can do what you love and love what you do. Get involved with a unique social selling business that's setting a new standard in the industry. Be a part of the trend that's sweeping the nation! It's been said that their signature line, Living Lockets are the latest trend in jewelry; but the truth is, they're so much more than that! Living Lockets are an extension of YOU - because each and every piece is custom designed to tell a story of your life + of what's important to you. Every Locket tells a story. What's yours?

Why choose Origami Owl®?

• Ground Floor Opportunity
• Wear the jewelry and be a walking advertisement for your business
• Corporate Weekly Webinars in addition to team calls and meetings
• Earn 30% AND 50% retail commission
• Lucrative Career Compensation Plan for Designers who choose to build a team... earn up to 15% on team override commissions
• Hostess Rewards program provided by Origami Owl
• Affordable Business Launch Packages; includes pre-selected jewelry and business supplies to get your business off to a great start!
• Replicated websites optional for online sales, sponsoring and lead generation

NOW is the time to join this AMAZING company!
Find joy in the journey and start your own Origami Owl business today by joining my team at
For More Information, Please Contact:
Nicole Renay, Origami Owl Independent Designer


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Limb Body Wall Complex

So this post is a sad one but please continue to read because it is important to get the word out about this....

One of my best friends who at 16 weeks pregnant found out that her son she is carrying has a congenital defect called Limb Body Wall Complex. This disease is extremely rare and most Obstetricians have not seen this in there career. This congenital disorder is characterized by severe limb defects and anterior body wall defects. In my son's case his organs are in a sac on the outside of his body attached to my placenta, he has severe scoliosis due to trying to contort himself to get the nutrients he needs, he has a very short umbilical cord if he has one at all. The exact causes of this disease is one the is completely unknown.
Asher has so far beat all odds he moves more then doctors said he would and his heart is still beating normally.
Asher's disease makes him 100% incompatible with life once born, she will have to say hello and goodbye in the same day perhaps the same breath.

One of our other friends has set up a go fund me page to help with medical bills. The last thing they are going to want to worry about after she delivers is paying off the medical bills. 

Limb Body Wall Complex Go Fund Me Link

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Getting in Shape

Ok so I have always struggled with the whole exercise thing. I have always started but then never see changes or I just get to busy with life. Well, this time around I have a few things that I hope will help me keep going. 1)My Husband Adam 2) I'm going to blog about it and  3) My friend Katie who is help keeping me motivated.

I start July 1st, 2014 so far I am doing pretty good there are only a few days I miss besides a break day but nothing to crazy. As far as food we already eat at home 98% of the time and most of it is homemade vs processed foods. Don't get me wrong we do still have processed foods but it isn't a over abundance. I do want to make it a little less then what we have but this is a huge change for my husband who grew up on take out, fried & mass processed foods. As, for me I had my fair share of processed foods but my mom almost always made decently healthy meals at home.

As for my exercise program I am doing the Chalean Extreme (recomended by Katie) and work outs I found on pinterest. I am do 2 different work outs right now bc with my schedule I don't always have the time (or someone else is using the tv) to do the Chalean Extream program during the week. So the days I can't do that I do my pinterest work outs.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Origami Owl ~ Bye Bye Birdie

Hey y'all hope everyone is having a great day and enjoying their summer. I know my puppy Echo is having a blast you can check out all of his fun adventure's at

So a few weeks ago Origami Owl announced the bye bye birdie collection. These are items that will be retiring on August 10th, 2014. There are A LOT! But, don't worry our Fall/Winter collection will be coming out around this time. Go to the link below to see all the items that will be retiring there is 20 pages worth of items... 

Starting tomorrow we will have a new hostess exclusive. 

       Retail Value: $87
           *Exclusive Rose Gold Heart Living Locket w/ Crystals
           *Exclusive Rose Gold Love Heart Plate
           *Exclusive Rose Gold Heart Chain
           * 3 Assorted Crystal Charms

July through September 2014 Hostess Exclusive

Want to know how you get this hostess exclusive?????

Host a Jewelry Bar! You can host a home party, catalog party or Facebook party (At this time I am not doing take out parties but hopefully in the near future I will be able to.)

As a hostess you get FREE SHIPPING and.... 

$125-$499 Jewelry Bar and earn $18+ (15% of sales) of FREE Product & 25% off Hostess Exclusive
$500-$999 Jewelry Bar and earn $100+ (20% of sales) of FREE Product & 50% off Hostess Exclusive
$1,000+ Jewelry Bar and earn $250+ (25% of sales) of FREE Product & FREE Hostess Exclusive

*Jewelry Bar must be at least $125 in retail  sales and have four (4) guest orders (one of which may be the Hostess BEFORE rewards are calculated).

Monday, June 23, 2014

Origami Owl

I am so excited to announce that I am now selling Origami Owl Custom Jewelry :-)
I was talking with my husband and we both agreed we needed away to earn some extra money for the adoption process we plan on starting int he near future. One of the ideas was to get into direct sales. Once we decided I would get into direct sales we had to decided which one. I talked to a few of my friends and one of them said with my personality and that fact I am always trying to do good in the world Origami Owl was for me. You're probably thinking oh she just wanted me to be on her team.... This is someone who is in a lot of different direct sales companies. She loves it and it really helps pays her bills as a single mother. Origami Owl is not one she sells (yet lol). She referred me to someone she knows who sells O2 and I asked her a bunch of questions about the company and decided this was the company for me. They encourage people to be a force for good. You earn 30%-50% of of your sales. I plan on posting blogs on here to share my story :-)

If you have questions feel free to leave a comment on here or go to one of the links below to contact me.

Pesto Ranch Pasta w/ Chicken

8 oz. pasta (your choice)
2 Large Chicken Breast NO Skin
2 tbsp of Pesto 
2 tbsp Sour Cream
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1 to 2 cups of Chicken Broth

In the slow cooker add chicken (frozen or thawed) with pesto, ranch packet, sour cream, 1 tbsp garlic powder, olive oil, 1/2 to 1 cup chicken broth. 
Turn slow cooker on low for 6-7hrs. 
Cook noodles al dente and add them to the chicken mixture with more chicken broth garlic powder if need be. 
Turn slow cooker on warm for 1/2 hr to hr

*Chicken broth helps so the 
chicken doesn’t get to dry.

*I use the entire ranch packet. 1/2 in the 

beginning and the 2nd 1/2 after adding noodles. 

*Shred the chicken before adding noodles

Friday, September 13, 2013

Apple Cheesecake Bars

My friend Amanda is having a Pinterest party this weekend and I chose to make this yummy dessert for my food item. Heads up this is not a healthy snack because of all the butter...
    For the Crust
      12 Graham Cracker Sheets
      50 Nilla Wafer Cookies (I got the mini so I used 70) 
      1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
      12 tablespoons butter, melted
        1. Line a 9x13” pan with foil and spray with cooking spray. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
        2. Pulse graham crackers and Nilla Wafer cookies in a food processor until they are fine crumbs. I have the smallest food processor ever so this took a little time but if you have a regular sized food processor it will take you know time at all. Place in a bowl and stir in cinnamon and melted butter. Press into prepared pan. 
        3. Bake for 8 minutes, while preparing filling.
      1. My Small Food Processor... See what I mean by this took me awhile bc of the size?

        So after getting all of this done I dumped it in the bowl mixed up with my hands some since I couldn't process them all together. Then I added the cinnamon and again mixed with my hands. So much easier a lot of times when you use your hands and LESS dishes :-)

        After adding the a but load of butter I mixed with the rubber spatula.

        After I spread the crust I put it in the oven for 8 minutes.

        For the Filling:
          2 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, room temperature
          2 eggs
          1/2 cup sour cream
          1/2 cup sugar, plus 2 tablespoons, divided
          1 teaspoon vanilla
          2 Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and finely chopped
          1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
              1. Beat cream cheese, eggs, sour cream, sugar, and vanilla with a hand held or stand mixer. 
              2. Place apples in a small bowl and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons sugar and cinnamon.
              After placing all the filling ingredients in the mixer bowl I let the mixer do its job. 

              Side note here is the pie crust after baking for 8 minutes... 

              After mixing the cheesecake part of the filling 

              Apples and cinnamon... umm yeah most likely I probably could have cut the apples up a little bit more but hey they are small enough for me lol.

                  For the Topping:
                  1 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
                  1 cup flour
                  1/2 cup quick cooking oats
                  1/2 cup butter, softened
                  1. Make the topping by mixing all topping ingredients in a medium bowl with a hand mixer.
                  Ok so I stepped away from the mixer for a second to answer the phone... The topping got a little pastey like texture instead of crumbs... So I recommend mixing with your hands (I should really learn not to follow recipes when it comes to mixing things like this lol) 

                  Left: Without Apples Right: With Apples

                  1. Pour cream cheese mixture over hot crust. Sprinkle with apples. Sprinkle evenly with topping. Bake for 40-45 minutes (mine took 43). 

                  So since the topping didn't turn out the right texture I still put it on bc it taste good but then poured some oats and brown sugar on top. 

                  Side view ofter baking in the oven. 

                  Cool to room temperature and then chill for at least 3 hours before cutting.