Monday, June 30, 2014

Origami Owl ~ Bye Bye Birdie

Hey y'all hope everyone is having a great day and enjoying their summer. I know my puppy Echo is having a blast you can check out all of his fun adventure's at

So a few weeks ago Origami Owl announced the bye bye birdie collection. These are items that will be retiring on August 10th, 2014. There are A LOT! But, don't worry our Fall/Winter collection will be coming out around this time. Go to the link below to see all the items that will be retiring there is 20 pages worth of items... 

Starting tomorrow we will have a new hostess exclusive. 

       Retail Value: $87
           *Exclusive Rose Gold Heart Living Locket w/ Crystals
           *Exclusive Rose Gold Love Heart Plate
           *Exclusive Rose Gold Heart Chain
           * 3 Assorted Crystal Charms

July through September 2014 Hostess Exclusive

Want to know how you get this hostess exclusive?????

Host a Jewelry Bar! You can host a home party, catalog party or Facebook party (At this time I am not doing take out parties but hopefully in the near future I will be able to.)

As a hostess you get FREE SHIPPING and.... 

$125-$499 Jewelry Bar and earn $18+ (15% of sales) of FREE Product & 25% off Hostess Exclusive
$500-$999 Jewelry Bar and earn $100+ (20% of sales) of FREE Product & 50% off Hostess Exclusive
$1,000+ Jewelry Bar and earn $250+ (25% of sales) of FREE Product & FREE Hostess Exclusive

*Jewelry Bar must be at least $125 in retail  sales and have four (4) guest orders (one of which may be the Hostess BEFORE rewards are calculated).

Monday, June 23, 2014

Origami Owl

I am so excited to announce that I am now selling Origami Owl Custom Jewelry :-)
I was talking with my husband and we both agreed we needed away to earn some extra money for the adoption process we plan on starting int he near future. One of the ideas was to get into direct sales. Once we decided I would get into direct sales we had to decided which one. I talked to a few of my friends and one of them said with my personality and that fact I am always trying to do good in the world Origami Owl was for me. You're probably thinking oh she just wanted me to be on her team.... This is someone who is in a lot of different direct sales companies. She loves it and it really helps pays her bills as a single mother. Origami Owl is not one she sells (yet lol). She referred me to someone she knows who sells O2 and I asked her a bunch of questions about the company and decided this was the company for me. They encourage people to be a force for good. You earn 30%-50% of of your sales. I plan on posting blogs on here to share my story :-)

If you have questions feel free to leave a comment on here or go to one of the links below to contact me.

Pesto Ranch Pasta w/ Chicken

8 oz. pasta (your choice)
2 Large Chicken Breast NO Skin
2 tbsp of Pesto 
2 tbsp Sour Cream
2 tbsp Garlic Powder
1 tbsp Olive Oil
1 to 2 cups of Chicken Broth

In the slow cooker add chicken (frozen or thawed) with pesto, ranch packet, sour cream, 1 tbsp garlic powder, olive oil, 1/2 to 1 cup chicken broth. 
Turn slow cooker on low for 6-7hrs. 
Cook noodles al dente and add them to the chicken mixture with more chicken broth garlic powder if need be. 
Turn slow cooker on warm for 1/2 hr to hr

*Chicken broth helps so the 
chicken doesn’t get to dry.

*I use the entire ranch packet. 1/2 in the 

beginning and the 2nd 1/2 after adding noodles. 

*Shred the chicken before adding noodles