Friday, September 13, 2013

Buckeye Pie

So my two of our friends are having a house warming party on Saturday and I was going to make my homemade Mac & Cheese that my fiance requested.... But I forgot Amanda (our friend) was making Mac & Cheese. When I asked Adam what to make he couldn't think of anything so I asked his brother Eric and he told me to make one of my famous pies. He then came up with the idea of making a Buckeye Pie... I looked it up on Pinterest and here is the cooking adventure I had in making it....

9oz Peanut Butter
1/4 tsp Vanilla
1/4 cup Butter
1 3/4 Powdered Sugar
Instant Chocolate Pudding 
Milk (whatever pudding box calls for)
Cool Whip 
Graham Cracker Pie Crust (pre-made or make your own)

I started with following the exact directions from the pudding box. It called for the big box but we had a lot left over. Next time I am going to try the small box
get the milk bowling

the different stages of the pudding being made.

So we did not have enough powder sugar and I was way to lazy to run to Jungle Jim's and get more. I tasted it and so did my fiance and we both said it still tasted good. This is suppose to be crumbly not pasty. Eric said it was a little to much peanut butter but Amanda loved it. So I feel most likely the powder sugar you can really do to taste. The crusted started breaking while I spread the pb mixture so Adam had to help hold it still. 

The pudding was filled to the top. I then let the pie cool over night. The next day I put the cool whip on top (I forgot to take pictures since it was morning time lol) 

Let's just say there was none left at the end of the night!!!!

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