Sunday, September 14, 2014

Limb Body Wall Complex

So this post is a sad one but please continue to read because it is important to get the word out about this....

One of my best friends who at 16 weeks pregnant found out that her son she is carrying has a congenital defect called Limb Body Wall Complex. This disease is extremely rare and most Obstetricians have not seen this in there career. This congenital disorder is characterized by severe limb defects and anterior body wall defects. In my son's case his organs are in a sac on the outside of his body attached to my placenta, he has severe scoliosis due to trying to contort himself to get the nutrients he needs, he has a very short umbilical cord if he has one at all. The exact causes of this disease is one the is completely unknown.
Asher has so far beat all odds he moves more then doctors said he would and his heart is still beating normally.
Asher's disease makes him 100% incompatible with life once born, she will have to say hello and goodbye in the same day perhaps the same breath.

One of our other friends has set up a go fund me page to help with medical bills. The last thing they are going to want to worry about after she delivers is paying off the medical bills. 

Limb Body Wall Complex Go Fund Me Link