Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Getting in Shape

Ok so I have always struggled with the whole exercise thing. I have always started but then never see changes or I just get to busy with life. Well, this time around I have a few things that I hope will help me keep going. 1)My Husband Adam 2) I'm going to blog about it and  3) My friend Katie who is help keeping me motivated.

I start July 1st, 2014 so far I am doing pretty good there are only a few days I miss besides a break day but nothing to crazy. As far as food we already eat at home 98% of the time and most of it is homemade vs processed foods. Don't get me wrong we do still have processed foods but it isn't a over abundance. I do want to make it a little less then what we have but this is a huge change for my husband who grew up on take out, fried & mass processed foods. As, for me I had my fair share of processed foods but my mom almost always made decently healthy meals at home.

As for my exercise program I am doing the Chalean Extreme (recomended by Katie) and work outs I found on pinterest. I am do 2 different work outs right now bc with my schedule I don't always have the time (or someone else is using the tv) to do the Chalean Extream program during the week. So the days I can't do that I do my pinterest work outs.